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info@burnshomestead.com2022, Family Blog Theme. Made with passion
2022, Family Blog Theme. Made with passion
Our goal is to live an American life fashioned after Christ. We believe that there is nothing we are not capable of doing, and anything that Christ has given us to do can be done. Join our family of 7 in our adventures of life in total freedom.
Hey, we're the Burns Family and we've got a lot to say! If you're interested, you can listen in and explore our thoughts, opinions and more! We are more than happy to share our past, present and future with you. Join us on our adventure!
Counsel; mighty protection; guards wisely
I am a father of five, and an enduring light in the life of my family. My daily goal is to encourage growth in my children and provide the pathway they need to succeed within themselves. I love to have constant conversations with my family about who they are and what they believe. I may not be normal, but I am necessary.
Beyond praise or highly praiseworthy
I am an amazing mother of five chiildren. I enjoy homeschooling and watching my children grow everyday. My main job is to keep my family and home secure with love. I teach God’s word to my children daily to show them the amazing adventures awaiting them in life. Some of my favorite hobbies are photography, culinary arts, and producing videos.
Exaltation of the Lord
I am an artist with an eccentric personality. I love to make others happy while being very creative. I love my siblings, although they sometimes get me in trouble. But I wouldn’t trade them for anyone else in the world. I think anything is possible, especially in Christ. I am a strong, Christian girl and God is at the center of everything that I do. God loves me, and so I love others.
Courageous; virtuous
I am an aspiring ballerina that loves to dance. I love the arts, and I am very persistent in my craft. Aside from sewing, crafting, cooking, and dancing; I like to help others as much as possible. Love is contagious, and I hope to spread God’s love to others. I never put people down, and I do my best to help people that I see being mistreated. I may not say much vocally, but I am very silly and kind-hearted.
Counsel; mighty protection; guards wisely
I am so excited to meet new people. I am the only boy in my family, but I am a real ninja warrior. I like to learn outdoors and exploring nature. I wake up early everyday just out of habit. I am diligent, obedient, and helpful in everything I try to do. I know how to build things, and I’ve recently started taking care of the yard. I like to play basketball and soccer. I also know how to start a fire, and I take responsibility when we go camping.
Shepherd or companion to the Lord
I am a friend. I love to sing, laugh, dance, and draw. I love playing with my siblings, especially Rylee and Rebekah. I am most happy doing pirouettes to anything from Lauren Daigle or Riley Clemmons. I love to play outdoors or reading new books. I help my Mom around the house anytime we have to do something. I am friendly to everyone because God is a friend to me.
Captivating; knotted cord
I AM ALWAYS EXCITED!! I like everything. My life is pure excitement. I do not like to wear shoes, but that doesn’t stop me from running outside. My Mom taught me how to cook eggs, which I eat everyday. I love dance, church, and God.
Endless egg supply
I like to produce eggs with my friends and siblings. Our goal is to one day produce 32 eggs in one day
B-B-B (Beef, Brisket, Brunch)
We are new to the family. We enjoy grazing all over the property and eating the delicious platter of vegetation available to us. We love to watch God's sunrise in the morning. We know that we will make our owners happy one day, because the way to happiness is through the stomach.