Fireproof Your Marriage: The Love Dare (Days 13-20)

Back to our regularly schedule posts! Last week was my 30th birthday and I just had to share the 30 things I've learned...but this week I am back to the 40 day Love Dare Challenge! This week, I will recap Days 13 through 20. Now I have to admit, my Crimson friend arrived and she had my emotions all…

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Fireproof Challenge: The Love Dare (Days 1- 5)

It's Spring!!! Flowers are blooming...Earth is awaken and refreshed!! So.. this is the perfect opportunity to awaken and revive our marriages! With so many diseased relationships, it is time to remedy them with a interactive challenge. The Love Dare Challenge!! Now, we can discuss all the mess we see in social media concerning marriages, but why spend our focus…

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