Livestock Sale
- You agree to properly educate yourself in terms of animal care, nutrition, housing, social needs and so forth, and that you are not buying an animal on a whim without any research. Some animals can live 30-50 years.
- I guarantee to always be here to the best of my ability to answer any questions and/or address concerns. I will never leave animal owners without assistance. In the event of issues with an animal purchase, you will establish contact with Burns Homestead first.
- I reserve the right to refuse business to anyone for any reason at my discretion. Should I feel that an animal is not a good fit or someone refuses to purchase items necessary to the animal’s survival, I reserve the right to refuse the sale. I do not take this decision lightly, nor do I take my responsibility to the animals I care for and place lightly.
childMINDING Baby Sitting
Childminding baby sitting services is provided to give parents a flexible and growing environment to place their children as they conduct day to day business. As a result, the following “House Rules” apply:
- No child will be accepted without verified health insurance. The freedom that the children will have places them in danger of hurting themselves.
- Only the ages of 3 – 16 years old will be served. In order to provide a growing environment, the only age groups that will be accepted will be those already available in the home.
- The “Joshua 24:15 Rule” is enforced.
- No child will be discriminated against. However, there is a separation created from boys and girls.
- Cross gender representation is not acknowledged. Although it may be very present in society, we retain the right to enforce the sexual separation of man and woman.
- We recognize certain activities as gender specific, and we will prevent participation in activities classified as the opposite gender.
- Obscene music and secular lyrical music will be prohibited during stay.
- Obscene language and abusive behavior will be prohibited during stay.
- We reserve the right to discipline any child while baby sat.
- We reserve the right to share religious practices and beliefs with any child while baby sat.
- We reserve the right to disregard the feelings of you and/or your child as it relates to our practices and beliefs.
- Payment for any service must be submitted before DROP-OFF.
- A late PICK-UP fee will be accessed for every hour after scheduled pick-up time.
- The purpose of childMINDING is to be flexible to the parents needs. Please contact the babysitter immediately, if there is any issue with scheduling.
- (4) hours after the scheduled PICK-UP time, the LONNETTA fee is accessed until the next day.
- Abuse is not tolerated on any level, and the proper government authorities will be involved in the event that abuse is discovered.
- Your child may be required to complete a standard education curriculum based on Texas Education Agency.
- Children with severe allergies are not recommend for baby sitting. Many natural plants and animals are present on the premises in order to give an adequate learning environment, and it will not be altered to your child(ren)’s needs.
- We will administer necessary medication to prevent bodily harm in regards to allergic reactions.
- Your child will be given responsibilities. There will be expectations made upon those responsibilities.
- Additional clothes are highly recommended. If their clothes become soiled, we will provide clothes that may not fit their particular size.
- You agree to hold the entire homestead and residents harmless due to any injuries that may occur.