Ever received a word from the Lord and He sweeps you off your feet in the direction of the promises He’s promised to you? Then suddenly, you seem to be steered off track to find out it was all apart of His plan?

Well, I can testify that we are and were faced with plenty of detours our entire time here in Texas. If you are new to my blog, I suggest you hold your place here and begin reading my entries entitled, “Thankful Thursday: Journey to Texas”… well, in review February 2016 will mark our 5th year here in Texas. We’ve had some challenges, but we also had many successes… (2) evictions, pregnancies and farm animals! Being a city girl from Chicago, I believe I was prepared for the unexpected and the hustle of it all, so I was bred with tough skin! LOL

April of 2014, we closed on 2 acres of land that was in horrible condition; if you look at the before pictures, you would have thought we were crazy..well, jokes on you, because…… WE ARE!! lol We cleared the property off, killed a few snakes and chainsaw a few trees and placed our mobile home on the property within a month’s time!! Fast forward to October 2015, we have a healthy flock of free-ranged hens, two goats, a pig and a donkey! Yep, Chicago born and raised turned to dirt slinging, egg catching farmers! We were living our life’s dream!! Well, October 31 came around and we were alerted of a nearby tornado, so I woke up my family (including a very tired and angry husband) and we left! Well, half a day went by and we went to check on the house! We GLORY TO GOD, it’s still in tact, but…huh?!?! We’re completely flooded out! My husband literally swam to the house to grab clothes and feed the visible animals. IMG_2832

Once the waters receeded, we returned to find only 4 of our chickens alive and dead goat and our pig with 5 piglets!! LOL God surely has a sense of humor, because even in our loss, we somehow manage to experience gain in the midst! Seeing our pig with her babies shown me that even though it may look bad around me, God still provides and will keep our heads above the waters He sent to us. What an amazing reassurance!

God, sent the floods not only to restore my faith, but He revealed that He still will fulfill His promise to us! I’ve also learned that trials have purpose.  We are still in clean up mode even 3 months after the flood, but God has been restoring since day one. God cannot lie, so seeing Him continue to work in the midst of is so encouraging. His word says, For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord,” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” -Jeremiah 29:11

Knowing that His plans will continue and that the detours were apart of His plan as well…NOTHING SURPRISES HIM! He’s all knowing!


I hope this is encouraging to you as it has been for my family! He’s good y’all IN ALL THINGS!!




**stay tuned for our life as homesteaders the past few months and things to come in the future!**

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