Hello and welcome to Quarantine Day 47!! But who’s counting!

It is only April and it feels like an eternity! I celebrated my 34th birthday at home with cheesecake and this past weekend, I enjoyed some Last Dance episodes! Sometimes, it is best to look at the sunny side than to dwell on the mess around us. Zone your eyes on positive things and that’s exactly what I am aiming to do!

While I am focusing on the positive side of things, I decided now is the best time to focus on growth, and today I will talk about growing my brows!

Like every woman on the face of the planet, we’ve abused our brows, some to the point of no return. Overplucking and waxing, bad shaping and tinting… our brows have been through a thing or two! Well, no more!

Briana McCarthy, founder, and creator of brionbrows.com has formulated the fountain of brow life! Liquid Gold Brow Oil. I have been using Liquid Gold since March and I am in love!

My brow hairs before were short and sparse. Now they are long to the point where they are curling on top of each other!

Check out my full review!!



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