Well continuing from last week, Raymiah was scheduled for a brain scan the next day which was July 11 at 8am. Rylee and Ray III was with their aunt and me and Ray decided to get some rest. We really didn’t want to leave Raymiah’s room, but Ray thought it was best to at least sleep comfortably, so we checked in the Ronald McDonald’s house which was located in the hospital. We checked in at 1 am and as soon as I began to get comfortable, my contractions started. I was able to sleep a few hours through it all. Then at 6:30 am, I woke up Ray and we were headed next door to St. Luke’s Hospital.
We checked into St. Luke’s and the nurses started to gather some information. They were confused about our whole situation and I began to weep when they asked for our residence address. We didn’t know what to say because the day before we had to move. Ray gave them his parents address and told them our situation. So the other nurse came in to check how much time I had before I delivered and we received unexpected news. She told us that the baby maybe breached and a c-section would be my option to deliver the baby. Without us asking for a second opinion, she pulled out the sonogram and we saw that the baby was in proper position to deliver vaginally. Then I was told I was 9 cm dilated. They prepped me and I was rushed into the room to deliver. By this time, it was around 7:30 am. With 30 minutes until Raymiah’s scheduled scan, we were playing the waiting game. Ray was leaving at 7:50 to meet with Raymiah’s doctors next door at TCH. Then as I was prepared for Ray not to be at our baby’s birth, I had the urge to push. He informed the nurses and I was told to wait till the doctor arrived. He arrived at 7:59 and the baby’s head was already out all he had left to do was to grab her and cut the cord. Reelaiah Abigail Burns was born at 8:03am!
Ray stayed around a few minutes and left to tend to Raymiah. After the scheduled brain scan, we had to wait till noon for the results. While Ray waited he came back to me and Reelaiah for a few minutes and went back across the street. So now, it’s about 1 pm and the results were in…Raymiah had a birthmark on her brain in the shape of a star. It resembled an AVM, but it is a cluster of venous veins. This means the cluster of is very low pressure and harmless. The seizure may have been linked to a fever she had the week before. While this was good news and we began to rejoice, the enemy threw in another issue. CPS (Child Protective Services) came to my room and said they found traces of marijuana in my blood. I was shocked to say the least! I asked her to test me again because that was SURELY a lie. She said it wasn’t found in Reelaiah’s system but they wanted to keep an eye on me. (yea) I immediately called Ray to meet me in my recovery room and told him the news. We waited for the lady to return and demanded she do a retest or use my cord blood. She refused and didn’t want to double check in fears that she was wrong. We told her our situation because she thought we had ran away from Illinois and linked Raymiah’s seizure to our “lifestyle”.
We quickly recovered from that report because that was unbelievable to hear. The enemy is tricky but that was just stupidity. We ever saw that woman again.
A few hours after the birth of Reelaiah, I sent her to the nursery while I visited Raymiah as the doctors took her off the respirator. As the tubing came out, she began to cry softly for me. It was a joyous occasion and I cried tears of joy and relief knowing that my daughter would recover and all will be well. The doctors was shocked to see me walk in the room after delivering Reelaiah, but I couldn’t miss that for the world. One of the EMT’s from the medical center came by to check on us and pray with us which was a surprise because we definitely expect that from her. It wasn’t just a job to her, but she truly cared. I thank God for that. We was surrounded by great doctors who did all they could for our family.
I checked out of the hospital Wednesday, July 13 and was allowed to stay in Raymiah’s new room until she was released on Friday. Raymiah was off of the sedatives and she was able to meet Reelaiah for the first time.
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