In the middle of yet another EXCRUCIATING, frustrating, exhausting conversation with my almost 20-year old daughter, I realized we just don’t understand each other. We are not communicating, we’re just talking. And worse, she has no idea what I’m talking about and thinks I have no idea what I’m talking about! She doesn’t even care to listen to me. I never want to say “I’m 46 and I’m right.†But the fact is, I’M 46 AND I’M RIGHT! I’ve been there done that and failed miserably at it. When I looked at her all I saw was myself at 20 making all the wrong moves, having the wrong attitude and not thinking like someone on the path to being a productive adult. So, I began to think how much better off I would be if I knew then what I know now and what things I would want my 20 year old self (and my almost 20 year old daughter) to know.
What I would tell my 20 year old self:
1. Listen more, talk less.
2. It’s ok to be wrong about something.
3. Be good to yourself.
4. Save/spend your money carefully. Don’t try to keep up with the Jones’…the Jones’ are in debt.
5. Take responsibility for your bad behavior (choices, decisions, actions, etc.)
6. Forgive…..yourself and others.
7. Know your worth and walk in it. Don’t settle.
8. Dream big. But wake up, get up and actually DO SOMETHING to make your dreams happen. No excuses, just results.
9. There’s a big difference between taking a “leap of faith” and “taking a flying leap”. Choose wisely.
10. Think. Then react.
11. It’s OK to ask for help. But remember to show gratitude not attitude. YOU need the help.
Thanks Tracie for your continual support and posts on my blog!
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