Kids Home? My Favorite Video Based Education for Growing Minds

Good Day! Hope everyone is happy, healthy and active during this time off from regular activities. We all know what is happening around the world as we try to contain the spread of this invisible threat. I am confident in the God of everything. If you haven't already, read my previous blog post Finding Comfort in Psalm 91 here.…

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Early Reader Resources

Education is an essential journey of our lives. You can't do much of anything without math and reading. I have been privileged to teach my children and seeing them bloom is a very rewarding accomplishment. Today, I will like to share some of my favorite reading resources that I have grown to love. (more…)

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Journey to Texas: Eight Years Later

It's been eight beautiful years here in Texas. We've had a bunch of experiences that has shifted the way we do life, experiences that matured our faith. One of the most valuable lessons we've learned is raising our children. Our family is our biggest asset and nurturing them and teaching them to become responsibility citizens and stewards with what…

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Blogs, Books and YouTube Series: All about The Blogs

I hope you are enjoying this series so far.. Today, I will focus on blogs I enjoy reading and supporting. As you may have realized, I am very conscience to what I read. I am intentional about life and what I allow in it. (more…)

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Blogs, Books and YouTube Series: Marriage and Family Resources

Let's be honest. We all want to be better and with every good intentions, we try our hardest to make life and relationship meaningful. Even if that means, reading. (more…)

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Becoming More Intentional

New Year. New You. We have all heard this phrase, maybe even declared it ourselves. But I have concluded that you becoming has nothing to do with a new year. It is actually a mindset. I've tried to get on the bandwagon of changing or becoming better at the turn of a new year, but fail miserably. My mindset…

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