OMG! My dad came back! YAY!!! He just came back from Colombia! When he came back he slept. Man, was he tired! He helped many people.I thank God for keeping him alive!

Before we picked up my dad , we got dressed, got in the van, drove to the airport, and waited. How we waited: We drove around the airport, and looked for my dad all over. Finally, we found my dad!?

He put his bags in the van, and we cheered!? He got in the front seat, and my mom kissed him.☹(EWW!) And, then my mom explained about the two weeks he was gone. When we came home, my dad gave my mom gifts. My dad always give my mom gifts.

When my dad came home, he explained how it was like in Colombia. It sounded cool.

So, thanks for reading my post, I really be pleased if you commented that you liked it. Thank you. BYE!

author: Miah

Hey! I'm Miah. I am a young teenage, Christian girl. I am currently in high school, online. I'm known as the oldest, artist, attention-seeker and spoiled one! Don't really like it much, but that's what I'm known as.

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