Sending Our Children to Public School

Yes! You've read it correctly! We indeed enrolled our children ( 3 of them) into a brick and mortar public school. After nearly 3 years of home education, we decided to go a different route. Teacher burn out is real so imagine being both the parent and teacher? It became overwhelming and none of us were happy about it.…

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Homeschool Our Way: Our Fourth Grade K12 Learner

It's been a long time since I last post and I am trying to get back into the swing of things...but I'm back!! Here's a small recap... Early this year, we decided to home school our five children. This decision was based on our experience with our youngest child in preschool. You can refer to that post for the…

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It’s my 30th Birthday!!!

NO MORE TWENTIES!!! I think may cry!! God has been so good to me and I am ready to see what amazing things He'll do in the 30s!! I've learned so many things the past 30 years and I would like to list... 30 things I've learned in 30 years in good humor! ENJOY!!! God is Good... IN ALL…

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Summer Homeschooling 101: Literacy

It's officially summer and though it's time to hit the beaches and plan family vacations, it is also imperative to hit the books. It is proven that children suffer from "summer reading loss" when they are not working their brains the way they did during the school year. Summer reading loss refers to the decline in children's reading development that…

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When life sends a flood, buy a boat!

Obviously I put my own personal spin the the popular quote by Vivian Green “Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.” ....but you get the point, right? Well, last week, the rains fell and left a mark in my neighborhood! We woke up Wednesday morning after a good night's sleep.…

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