Sending Our Children to Public School

Yes! You've read it correctly! We indeed enrolled our children ( 3 of them) into a brick and mortar public school. After nearly 3 years of home education, we decided to go a different route. Teacher burn out is real so imagine being both the parent and teacher? It became overwhelming and none of us were happy about it.…

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When Homeschooling Became Our Only Option

Welcome to my blog!! I haven't been very active this year and it's for a really important reason! I am officially homeschooling my children. I've been fighting this for over 10 years and circumstances has brought us to the very important choice to home school our children. I am very appreciative of the teachers that helped make learning fun…

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What To Do Before Your Husband Comes Home….

Now, I can't speak for anyone else, but my life as a homemaker has been awesome thus far and I'm enjoying every moment spent raising my children and watching them bloom into great human beings! :) But being a homemaker can also be quite overwhelming to a point where you can't figure out why and how all of the time…

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Operation: Back to School Organization #FAIL

Being a mom and wife, things don't always go the way we planned. Life happens, right? Well, with that said, do you recall my post in August about my plans to organize my children's clothes each school week? Well, It worked for 2 days! Yup, you read right! Not 2 weeks... TWO DAYS! I hung up my children's clothes…

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When life sends a flood, buy a boat!

Obviously I put my own personal spin the the popular quote by Vivian Green “Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.” ....but you get the point, right? Well, last week, the rains fell and left a mark in my neighborhood! We woke up Wednesday morning after a good night's sleep.…

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