Being a mom and wife, things don’t always go the way we planned. Life happens, right?
Well, with that said, do you recall my post in August about my plans to organize my children’s clothes each school week? Well, It worked for 2 days! Yup, you read right! Not 2 weeks… TWO DAYS! I hung up my children’s clothes (Monday thru Friday) and after day 2, they didn’t like what they picked out! All of my planning went down the with the rest of my failed ideas! All of the prepping wasn’t all a bust, I lay out their clothes daily after school. They chose what they wanted to wear the next day and set it out for the next morning. No fuss, right? WRONG!!
There are still some days where my son or my 2nd oldest daughter would change their minds 15 minutes before the bus arrived. But, like an experienced mom in the attitude department, I just wake them 15 minutes earlier just in case! LOL
Life sends us curved balls all of the time, but when you know the game, it is not so bad to deal with! Well, I’m signing off! I have kids clothes to fold! LOL
What are some of your failed back to school ideas? We all have been there! Please share below or on my Facebook blog page
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