Sending Our Children to Public School

Yes! You've read it correctly! We indeed enrolled our children ( 3 of them) into a brick and mortar public school. After nearly 3 years of home education, we decided to go a different route. Teacher burn out is real so imagine being both the parent and teacher? It became overwhelming and none of us were happy about it.…

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Intentional Intimacy: God and Marriage

And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived... (Genesis 4:1) I never knew you; depart from me... (Matthew 7:21-23)   What do these two scriptures mean to you? What do they have in common? (more…)

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Five Things I’ve Learned about Homeschooling

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 (more…)

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When Homeschooling Became Our Only Option

Welcome to my blog!! I haven't been very active this year and it's for a really important reason! I am officially homeschooling my children. I've been fighting this for over 10 years and circumstances has brought us to the very important choice to home school our children. I am very appreciative of the teachers that helped make learning fun…

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Fireproof Your Marriage: The Love Dare (Days 21-40)

Sorry I've been M.I.A. but I have been recovering from some recent repairs....long story! Stay tuned for May 6th post!!! Well, we have some catching up to do! Since my last post on the Love Dare challenge, hubby and I reconciled after a PMs explosion and are on good terms until next time! :) So.... ahem...   Day 21:…

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Fireproof Your Marriage: The Love Dare (Days 13-20)

Back to our regularly schedule posts! Last week was my 30th birthday and I just had to share the 30 things I've learned...but this week I am back to the 40 day Love Dare Challenge! This week, I will recap Days 13 through 20. Now I have to admit, my Crimson friend arrived and she had my emotions all…

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