What is the most popular thing on television? You guessed it! SCANDAL!!

It all over the popular social networks and the talk of the town! I hear people rooting for this “Olivia Pope” and how her relationship to the President is unbreakable and real. One thing that has me highly offended and bothered is that “Mr. President” is married. What happened to the blessings and favor of marriage? Today’s society has no respect for it and sad to say is that we (Christians) are allowing such damaging content to enter into our homes. The bible clearly states, “ Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.” (Jeremiah 10:2) The bible also declares, “No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.” (Mark 3:27)

So why are we so intrigued over lust and infidelity? What are we trying to figure out? Honestly, I tried to see what the fuss was about. I went on Netflix and saw the first episode of the first season and I could not stomach it! Television has motives now. .There is no such thing as wholesome entertainment. Marriage is under attack.

I am a woman and if you know me, you’ll know that I take my role as a wife and mother very seriously. Some may be offended by this but hey!! Women… saved women…whether you’re married or single: YOU ARE TO BLAME! We allowed shows like “Scandal” to play throughout our homes and wonder why you can’t have a committed relationship or a faithful marriage because you are basically expecting your husband or future husband to do what “Mr. President” did to his wife. You want the relationship that he has with Olivia which will send you BOTH to Hell!! Marriage is honorable and to disrespect this sacred covenant and GOD makes me question your “Fruit”.  We are glued to this foolishness! Let me ask you this? Where’s your husbands when you watch this show? And if he’s sitting next to you with a bag of popcorn…smh!

Nothing will come in and dilute my home and marriage. It’s crazy because the same people who will change the channel when that disrespectful little boy, “Caillou” comes on because he will have a negative influence on your child is the same one who watches this show. That is so hypocritical!

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