What does greeting cards, candy, flowers and  breakfast in bed all have in common? Mother’s Day! Yes, the all too common holiday is just days away. If you’re unfamiliar with this holiday,  Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate the things moms do (and didn’t do for your sake LOL) throughout the year. If you ask me, Mother’s Day means more work for mothers! How? Well, the weekend of Mother’s Day is just like any regular weekend for me.

Friday, I spend the day washing and folding laundry and completing housework. Saturday, a yard day and preparing the night’s dinner and getting the kids clothes together for Sunday. Sunday, we have church and the struggle to keep the kids clean. After service, back home to finish yard work, feed the family and get ready for the school week. Sounds pretty depressing huh?

So, how do I make this year’s Mother’s Day eventfully and different than the rest? Honestly, I don’t know! I love doing things for my little family. I enjoy cooking and time spent with them. Mother’s Day for me is everyday! Everyday, I am given all the love and honor just  by being me… a mom! Now don’t get me wrong, QT is needed when you have a husband, 5 kids and a homestead, but enjoying my family is a blessing!


If I had to choose my top 3 gifts for Mother’s Day, I would pick:

3. The kids to get along for a full day. I have five kids which means 5 unique personalities clashing every 32 minutes (Trust me I have them down to a science!)

2. A slice of strawberry cheesecake and Oreo cheesecake TO MYSELF! I rarely eat sweets anymore because I am trying to keep make new figure, but when I want to splurge, I would like to do so on my own! My family love to share (on their own terms)! LOL

1. A clean house! Now I keep a fairly clean home but to have it cleaned without my help and done my way would be FREAKING AWESOME!!


(I hope my husband reads this so #2 can come true ASAP! The rest can happen over time…no rush! LOL)

IMG_0390So, now the tables have turned… what would be your top 3 gifts for Mother’s Day??






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