Fireproof Challenge: The Love Dare (Days 1- 5)

It's Spring!!! Flowers are blooming...Earth is awaken and refreshed!! So.. this is the perfect opportunity to awaken and revive our marriages! With so many diseased relationships, it is time to remedy them with a interactive challenge. The Love Dare Challenge!! Now, we can discuss all the mess we see in social media concerning marriages, but why spend our focus…

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What To Do Before Your Husband Comes Home….

Now, I can't speak for anyone else, but my life as a homemaker has been awesome thus far and I'm enjoying every moment spent raising my children and watching them bloom into great human beings! :) But being a homemaker can also be quite overwhelming to a point where you can't figure out why and how all of the time…

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Promises Fulfilled: Introduction to City Girl, Country Living

Ever received a word from the Lord and He sweeps you off your feet in the direction of the promises He's promised to you? Then suddenly, you seem to be steered off track to find out it was all apart of His plan? Well, I can testify that we are and were faced with plenty of detours our entire…

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Makeover My Mornings Challenge (Young Wife’s Guide Inspired)

I AM A WOMAN. I AM A WIFE. I AM A MOTHER.... Even the more reason to complete this challenge and to make it apart of my everyday. We, as women, are consumed by life whether we are clocking in at Corporate America or cleaning up fallen glitter at 7:30 AM (true story); so having those quiet moments are…

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Modesty isn’t #trendy

It is not surprising that modesty is getting backlash now. After all, holiness is right and anything holy is under attack these days. The society we're in is perverse and focused on physical appearance..AKA skin is in...and ALL OUT for display. I've spoke on modesty and the importance of setting an example for my children and others so this…

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Operation: Back to School Organization #FAIL

Being a mom and wife, things don't always go the way we planned. Life happens, right? Well, with that said, do you recall my post in August about my plans to organize my children's clothes each school week? Well, It worked for 2 days! Yup, you read right! Not 2 weeks... TWO DAYS! I hung up my children's clothes…

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